Something for Everyone!

Altered Box of the COSMOS - slides open


Cosmic sliding box of SECRETS!

Keep your secrets inside! OR rocks! Or jewelry or small pretty things you find on the streets, or acorns or shinies. Your inner magpie will thank you.
. . .

This is an altered box (originally an ipad pen case!)

Collaged with a variety of vintage and magazine papers, and jewelry pieces. Painted with acrylic.

I kept the sides that slide free of collage because it slides so beautifully, so it is drawn on with paint marker.
Note: the hidden painted side drawings are more delicate and susceptible to being scratched or rubbed off if touched roughly.

Size: You can see the size in comparison to my hand. I will add an exact size when I measure the box (or by request if that happens first!)

Thanks for looking!


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