Something for Everyone!

* Prints

Mind Magick - 11x17 PRINT
Solitude - 11x17 PRINT (from the archives!)
Sleep Gems and Mind Poetry - 11x17 PRINT
Modern Woman - 11x17 PRINT
My Ghost Listened - 11x17 PRINT
Shadow Spirit - 11x17 PRINT
Internal City - 11x17 PRINT
Beloved Daemon - 11x17 PRINT
Arma Spika Formatis - 11X17 PRINT
The Architect of Dreams - 12x12 PRINT
Brunhildegard in Blue - 11x17 PRINT
Carousing with Destiny - 11x17 PRINT
At The Edge - 11 x 17 PRINT
Dissolve/ Resolve - PRINT - 11x17
The Alchemy of Being - PRINT - 11x17
Wild and Unusual Women - Mystery Print Package
Brunhildegard the Mannequin at HEALER - 11x17 photo print
Seeker of Blyss - 11x17 PRINT - strange magical forest character
Bestower of Secret Wishes - 11x17 PRINT - mysterious dark forest character
She Came Alive when she heard the Night Wind Cry - 11x17 PRINT
Serpent's Madness - 11x17 PRINT - otherworldly snake character with disrupted face
What Lies Below - 11x17 ART PRINT - digital remix surreal art with chicago skyline
Call of the Stars - 11x17 ART PRINT- ambiguous bird woman charcter
Dream Sentinel - 11x17 ART PRINT - sleeping dream space fantasy character
To Be the Soul Transformed - 11x17 ART PRINT
The Priest of the Puzzle - 12x12 PRINT
AWAY - 12x12 PRINT | Abstacted Monochromatic Torso Painting
A Walk Through the Forest - 4x6 MINI PRINT in 5x7 mat
Demon Snail - MINI PRINT in 5x7 mat