Something for Everyone!

Andromeda Gems - potion bottle


"Andromeda Gems

Andromeda Gems are the most gorgeous of precious stones known to magi throughout the magical kingdoms. They sparkle like the words of a devistatingly beautiful poet, and shine in a manner similar to the sound of an angel's halo. One cannot truly know what it is like to behold an Andromeda Gem until one has been struck through the soul upon glancing at one for merely a second. Be warned, those with weak hearts have perished in close proximity to the stones, and even those ready to face the sparkle and shine of eternity, may be left with a yearning so great, they will never fully recover. "

NOTE: No precious or semi precious stones or gems are included in this vessel. It is a decorative object.

MEDIUM: small glass jar, glue, tissue, cut text, spikes, acrylic paint, including BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE paint

SIZE: 3.5" tall


Using cut text on these potion bottles is like a game I play with myself. I do not allow myself to imagine the title, I have to FIND the words from my collection of scrap books and broken or discarded literature. I have a lot more fun this way.


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