Great Gaia Gas-Stimulants - mysterious potion bottle


Great Gaia Gas-Stimulants
Mother Earth is not happy with your diet. You need to let out some gas. But not just regular old (human) body gas. This is special gas, reminiscent of the sulfur from the bowels of the earth. Sing songs of praises for the great Gaia, and release all the pressure you have building up from the depths of your soul. You may even conjure demons during your session with GREAT GAIA GAS-STIMULANTS. Use in moderation, or not.
Note: Use responsibly. We are not responsible for complaints from your neighbors. Decorative Only.

medium: Glass vessel, glue, tissue, cut text, acrylic paint (including blacklight reactive paint of unexpected colors!)

Size: (unmeasured at this time)


Using cut text on these potion bottles is like a game I play with myself. I do not allow myself to imagine the title, I have to FIND the words from my collection of scrap books and broken or discarded literature. I have a lot more fun this way.
Photoshoot delayed: I did not get a chance to upload a special photoshoot yet, but I wanted to at least get this up and visible!


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