Harrington's Midsummer Majesty Unicorn Smoke


Harrington's Midsummer Majesty Unicorn Smoke

Are you looking for a way to bring all the unicorns to the party?
Simply release the smoke into the nearest magical forest, and watch as any lingering unicorns come running out. Then use Harrington's attraction oils to lovingly lure them to you. Kindly invite them to your special event. (using the RIGHT words, only the pure of heart will know this. (If you are not pure of heart, we recommend using "Lully's Sparkling Heart Ash" for a temporary purity effect)
No Unicorns have ever been harmed by Unicorn Smoke, it merely sparks their curiosity, we swear!

Note: Decorative Only. Does not actually contain any midsummer majesty, unicorns, or smoke.

medium: Glass vessel, glue, tissue, cut text, acrylic paint (uncluding some interferrence colors for a shimmery look)

Size: 10.375” tall


Using cut text on these potion bottles is like a game I play with myself. I do not allow myself to imagine the title, I have to FIND the words from my collection of scrap books and broken or discarded literature. I have a lot more fun this way.


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