Something for Everyone!

Sapphire Valley Crystal Extract


Sapphire Valley Crystal Extract
These Amazingly rare crystals come from the wondrous Sapphire Valley of the distant planet of Erisia in the star system of Deep Erebus. This realm is only reachable by back-dimensional portals, held in place by only the most dedicated of magi. Sapphire Valley Crystal Extract is usually only available to exclusive members of the Darkness Dreaming Bottling Company's Ultra Dimensional potion club. However, for a limited time, we are offering this single bottle to the first buyer to claim it.
Become an ULTRA magi, and unlock wonders with this unique crystal extract.
Note: Decorative Only.

medium: Glass vessel, glue, tissue, cut text, acrylic paint: (including blacklight reactive paint!), and blacklight orange cabochon.

Size: 5” high


Using cut text on these potion bottles is like a game I play with myself. I do not allow myself to imagine the title, I have to FIND the words from my collection of scrap books and broken or discarded literature. I have a lot more fun this way.


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