Something for Everyone!

Spinal Fruits - potion bottle


Spinal Fruits

The dried small stone fruits that grow from the spines of strange dinosaur like creatures from a past world. Our potion makers have sent their bravest time travellers into the past where they discovered these beasts. They are not harmed in the harvesting, but the fruits have soaked up their healing spinal fluid. Spinal fruits can be used in healing potions or as luxurious additions to your magical charcuterie board. Spinal fruits have been known to enhance mental powers, especially with telepathy.
Warning: do not ingest more than 7 fruits within an hour or you run the risk of some unpleasant temporal glitches.

NOTE: No spinal fluid or fruits or time travel inside this bottle. It is a decorative object.

MEDIUM: small glass jar, glue, tissue, cut text, acrylic paint, including BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE paint

SIZE: 3.5" tall


Using cut text on these potion bottles is like a game I play with myself. I do not allow myself to imagine the title, I have to FIND the words from my collection of scrap books and broken or discarded literature. I have a lot more fun this way.


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