Something for Everyone!

The Cryptic Emperor's Metamorphosis Adventures - Mysterious Potion bottle

$65.00 / On Sale

The Cryptic Emperor's Metamorphosis Adventures
OKAY GANG, its time to feel the wind in your hair! With The Cryptic Emperor's Metamorphosis Adventures, you can shape shift with ease! Fly to the heavens, Swim to the depth, crawl through the earth and discover treasure! Unlock your potential in new ways!
Caution: Once shifted, you may forget *some* percentage of your memories. Do not fret, once shifted you will not CARE if you have forgottem memories. If you WISH to run away to the woods and forget all your previous life's memories, drink the entire bottle.
Note: May or may not contain cryptic indications. Decorative Only.

medium: Glass vessel, glue, tissue, cut text, acrylic paint

Size: 9” Tall


Using cut text on these potion bottles is like a game I play with myself. I do not allow myself to imagine the title, I have to FIND the words from my collection of scrap books and broken or discarded literature. I have a lot more fun this way.


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