Something for Everyone!

STORY TAG PACKAGE - the Illuminated Devil Expired


A Vignette Story!

"The illuminated Devil expired in a magnificent emerald flash of light"

EXTRA GOODIES INCLUDED: Fun Envelope with 4"x6" mini print of my choice and handmade bookmark!

When I make these, they get my brain thinking about an extended story related to the words... So many possibilities with these vignettes!
Many of them are Lovecraftian in nature, sometimes with a bit of humor.

MEDIUM: mixed media collage and cut text on tile sample
SIZE: 1.25” x 2.625”

This is a tag that can be strung up to be hung in your mysterious home or from a tree branch during the holidays or even turned into a wearable object. You can do WHAT YOU WANT.

The cut text comes from a variety of sources, mainly roughed up paperback books or damaged vintage books that are ready for a new life.

I created this on the back of a tile sample. I will leave the back side color/ design a mystery for you to discover.




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