Featured products
Bronzino's Fatal Fire Whispers - potion bottle
Andromeda Gems - potion bottle
Spinal Fruits - potion bottle
Wild Lava Seeds - potion bottle
Bothwell's Fairy Gases - potion bottle
Lavinia's Molten Poets - potion bottle
Mind Magick - 11x17 PRINT
When the Earth Whispers to the Sky
Old Neighborhood Tree
The House was a Secret Hidden Fracture
Garden Home
A Fashionable Being - FRAMED original
Solitude - 11x17 PRINT (from the archives!)
Sleep Gems and Mind Poetry - 11x17 PRINT
Modern Woman - 11x17 PRINT
My Ghost Listened - 11x17 PRINT
Shadow Spirit - 11x17 PRINT
Internal City - 11x17 PRINT
Beloved Daemon - 11x17 PRINT
Arma Spika Formatis - 11X17 PRINT